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Aircraft recovery: a new edition of EATC’s distinguished training

From 04 to 08 April 2022, EATC will organize the multinational ‘’Disabled Aircraft Recovery Training’’ (DART). DART 2022 will be held in Villafranca di Verona Airbase (3rd Wing of Italian Air Force) in Italy.

It will be the first multinational aircraft recovery training after a 2-year COVID-19-caused-break.Three EATC members (DEU, ITA, NLD) and four partner nations (AUT, CHE, GBR, LTU) have already indicated their intention to participate in the 2022 edition. Moreover some nations have expressed their interest to attend with a larger number of trainees in order to compensate the lack of multinational aircraft recovery training during the past two years.

DART 2022 will provide training on four types of aircraft spread over four work-stations: three fixed wing (AMX, G222 and Tornado) and one rotary wing (HH212). These are all decommissioned aircraft offered by the Italian air force for training purposes. 

In order to offer the best possible training to the participants, EATC and the respective nations appointed four station leaders, responsible to develop different scenarios per aircraft type ahead of the training. These scenarios describe which kind of incident occurred and are in line with EATC’s training objectives. As an example: a G222 veers off the runway due to crosswind. The station leader also defines, based on the respective scenario, the aircraft recovery operation to train the students and draws up his lesson plan. Moreover he discusses material lists with his fellow station leaders and the host nation. During the exercise, every DART trainee passes in a pre-defined order through all four work-stations. 

EATC’s appointed DART 2022 training supervisor supports the station leaders, the host nation and the nations throughout the preparation efforts and the actual training. He ensures that the training is conducted in accordance with the pre-defined objectives and the EATC Aircraft Recovery Aide Memoire.

In parallel to DART, EATC will organise the DARO training in a new setting.

Want to know about this? Read our follow-on article….


Photo courtesy of Italian Air Force (3rd Wing)

Aircraft recovery:  a new edition of EATC’s distinguished training

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